
Lese hier ein Interview über mich und meinen Weg zum Yoga & zum Thema HAPPINESS:

Besuche meine Yogaklassen und Personal Trainings im Lobe Block:

YOGA-at Lobe-Block-Flyer+Sticker-InstaPost-3.jpg

DAY RETREAT Prana & Selfcare
Sonntag, 06. Januar 2019
10:30 — 15:00 Uhr

Foto: Aubrey Wade

Foto: Aubrey Wade


Willst du endlich mal einen Tag nur für dich?

Bei diesem Urban Retreat wird erfahrbar werden, wie kraftvoll Atemtechniken in Verbindung mit Bewegung (Asanas) und kleinen kreativen Techniken, das menschliche Energiesystem und damit auch die allgemeine Gemütslage beeinflussen können. Herz und Hirn werden an diesem Tag mit neuer Energie durchflutet, evtl. Trägheit stellt sich ein. Der Tag wird dir mehr Klarheit, Fokus und Leichtigkeit verleihen.

Was auf dich wartet:
• MINDFULNESS (Mindful Eating)


● Yoga for Happiness
〰️ Breathe In & Sweat Out 💦

at LOBE BLOCK, 1st Floor
every MONDAY from 6:00 – 7:30 pm, Jeden MONTAG von 18:00 – 19:30 Uhr
Up-to-date infos about my one-and-only weekly open class see:

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Classes are moving to Y O G A at LOBE BLOCK – A Brand new centre for Yoga

In October 2018 Yoga Makes Me Happy is moving to a new location:
YOGA at LOBE BLOCK - Centre for Yoga, Conscious Movement and Treatments is opening in Lobe.berlin Building and is offering it’s brand new, high profile rooms for rent starting in June 2018 for classes, workshops and Treatments.
TEACHERS, INSTRUCTORS and SOMATIC THERAPISTS are welcome to already connect and engage in this upcoming community building consists of Conscious Movement Facilitators, Therapists, Sustainable Designers, Artists, Restaurant, Event space and much more. 

We are getting ready! 



”One conscious breath can change your life in a second.“

Yoga makes me happy. What about you?

I am a Berlin based german native and english speaking yoga teacher, graphic designer and passionate founder of the 30 Days Of Happpiness-Challenge.

I truely belief: One conscious breath can change your life in a second. You are how you breathe.

  • Why are you in love with yoga? I’ve started Yoga to self-heal my scoliosis (spine-deformation), you could say I did physiotherapy with myself. I did become more flexible, stronger, created space and length in my body, specially on compressed body parts (becoming almost painless.)

  • Where did you learn Yoga? After 15 years DOING Yoga, I’ve fulfilled my wish DIVING DEEP into a healthy anatomically correct aligned Yoga. So I took a teacher training with my first yoga teachers Young-Ho & Jang-Ho Kim at Inside Yoga.

  • What kind of style are you practicing? It’s a vinyasa style with correcting 1:1 hands-on alignments and you will always find some happiness and mindfulness elements in my class.

I am crazy about everything around happiness, an open mind and healthy lifestyle and continuously experimenting within those themes.

Yoga im Monbijou Park, Berlin | ©lululemon,Christina Metzler

Wherever you find happiness, that’s your home.

—Dalai Lama




Why Yoga at Work Works

Article about my corporate yoga at Wimdu on DOYOUYOGA Blog — "Namaste Boss! Why Yoga at Work Works"

Read the full article on DOYOUYOGA
Text: DOYOUYOGA © 2018 Skyrocket Group Limited.

”We all know that yoga is great for your health and happiness. And if you’re lucky enough to work for one of these companies, your boss knows it too! We talked to five different companies who all offer yoga classes to their employees as one of the perks of working there, to see how it benefits productivity and happiness.

So if you're looking for a new job where you can get your asana on, or if you just like seeing what's around, check out this list of wonderful companies that offer yoga to their employees, and why yoga at work, well...works."

Brand, that offer health and happiness trough yoga at work:

1. Patagonia
3. Asana
4. Wimdu
5. MVF Global

Wimdu, a company that connects travelers to people who are willing to rent out their home as a place to stay, likes connecting their employees to themselves through yoga.

"How long have you offered yoga classes to your employees for? Are they popular within the company?"

Since summer 2015.

"How has your employee yoga program impacted employee health and happiness?"

Well, it impacts both of course, as sports help you to be more robust. It's also good for team building to do stuff together.
Offering yoga to our employees helps as well, because productivity goes up. After some exercise and a shower you are really more motivated to meet your tasks in the afternoon.

"Would you recommend other companies to offer yoga classes to employees?"

For sure!“
